Wheel trim

There's plenty of grey nothing weather and not much changes between day and night. There will be a rush for the sun when it reappears.

One of my Australian based colleagues is in the office this week. He and his family live in Townsville and I'm fascinated with the snake that lives in their roof.

It's been there long term and I always ask after it. I can't get my head around a snake living in the roof. Apparently it's preferable to the alternative of multiple possums in the roof.

So the snake keeps the possum population in check. Andy pops his head up into the roof space occasionally (not a job for me with a snake in the roof).

Unfortunately the snake has been pooping possum in the roof and it's not pleasant. "What do you do with snake poo?" I ask.

Apparently it goes in the mother in laws compost heap.

It's hard to top Wednesday with anything else.

Today's gratitude: For a thoroughly good boxing class. I needed that.

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