A Walk on the Wild Side

By wildthingsma

Gladys has eight lives left!
Ok, I know technically that its cats that have 9 lives but I don't believe one should let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Anyway, Gladys (not her real name, to protect patient confidentiality) was out with her owners when she fell over a 30 ft rock face on the North Yorks Moors. We (mountain rescue) were called in to see what we could do. She was very much alive but couldn't walk and was in a great deal of pain. We managed to put her in a Mibs stretcher and evacuated her to the nearest track. We then took her by Landrover to a vet that we managed to find to help us. We're hopeful that she's going to make it.
This picture was taken with the owners permission (and patient's implied permission) because I thought she looked cute.

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