The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Less Of This In 2013 Please

Whilst we were driving up to Ross On Wye yesterday we noticed that the River Wye had burst it's banks in several places, and the Wye Bridge in Monmouth was literally only just above water, something I have never seen ever!

The Met Office said yesterday that 2012 was the wettest English year on record and third wettest Welsh year. Of course the difference this year to previous years is the way the rain has come. Whole months of rainfall fell in less a day.

We had to drive to Ross via the Heads Of Valley road yesterday and Pontypridd and Merthyr were the same. So please can we have a dry summer!

This photo is of the River Wye near my brothers house. He is not in any danger where he is, but you can see where the normal river banks are by the line of the trees. I can't quite get my head around the fact I have walked along that river bank. The river has easily doubled in width, and that level had dropped quite remarkably since twenty four hours before. Truly scary amounts of water were pounding underneath the bridge.

There were no sore heads this morning, and I am feeling remarkably fresh at the moment, considering I didn't actually get to bed until twenty to four this morning. It's the darts final and then bed .. and then tomorrow, for the first time in months, I am going to try and get back to some semblance of normality and routine. Poor old Dawn doesn't have that luxury as she is off on Jury Service for the next two weeks One day soon things will settle down ... you'll see!

Happy New Year everyone!

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