Gingering up

The day started in the early hours with preparations. My brother and his wife were returning north from a (very enjoyable) visit to Anglesey. We had things to sort out in the afternoon and papers to sign but we’d agreed they would come round for a meal.

Given the confidence in the weather forecast we decided on a BBQ. Chicken, langoustines (blip) and other things were marinaded generally in garlic, ginger and lemon juice. That confidence was tested as it remained overcast until late afternoon when it brightened up.

We ate outside (in Scotland!) with the background noise of the new Prime Minister gingering up the nation. We shall see.

The day ended by picking up a piece of news that in one of her last decisions the outgoing Prime Minister had ennobled a school friend and had appointed him to be the next President of the Supreme Court. The Rt Hon Lord Reed - or Robert - will doubtlessly have some interesting cases to preside over when he takes up his appointment in January!

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