
By Max_Blazer

Attempts to become independent

It is very difficult to enjoy life when you are alone. Autism does not mean that you do not want to communicate with people, quite the opposite. You really want, but it does not work. 
I decided to be strong and overcome myself. Made a plan to become independent:
1. Meet a girl from the Internet that you never knew. It will be today, I try not to worry.
2. Make a plan for how to spend your free time, attend social events alone and have fun, and not hide in the corners.
3. Talk to passersby. Ask the time, the road, it does not matter, the main thing is to get communication skills.
4. Most importantly. I'll take a vacation at work and leave for Europe.
Once I found myself in Goa and I was very bad. A strong panic and depression began, I thought it was the end. Now I have experience, I know what to expect and there will be no more, I hope

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