24 hours later ...

By Shelleylou

New year ... New rules!

Meet Kiaran 15, the eldest of my 3 ... From his perspective he know's everything, he's always right & he's the dogs B*!!*cks ... From my perspective it's slightly different, I'd say he's lazy, full of himself, needs a reality check & has lost his ability to listen to others! He's also lovely, kind, considerate, intelligent (complete contradiction right?!) I love him dearly but the chances of him making his next birthday are reduced daily ... I seem to have lost his manual so if you find it can you give it back please? I find parenting a teenager a daily struggle so be warned at some point this year there will be tears, mine of course!

01-01-2013 ...

Weigh in - 11s 5lbs
Target weight - 10s 9lbs
Running distance - 2 miles (I think the treadmill's wrong)
Units of alcohol ... Errrm, what's a unit?

Let's see how this goes ....

Happy New Year!

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