Lala's Journal

By Lala

Dungeness Snack Shack

I’ve wanted to try this place for ages, but it’s always so crowded at the weekend, it didn’t disappoint. Despite being so hot, we have record breaking temperatures today, my Mexican fish flatbread was delicious, the plaice having been caught this morning. My food is an extra.

So why am I at home? Today the team and class 94 was supposed to meet at Judy’s for her retirement do, but sadly she has been diagnosed with a tumour that needs urgent attention. She is one of the most positive people I know, and has just postponed it for a few weeks! I had already arranged the day out the office however, and as it threatened to be so hot, decided to work from home. I have checked emails, but that’s about it, and I’m sitting indoors with several fans and a home made crushed ice coffee. The soup maker crushes it just like a proper machine!

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