Taking stock.

Only Vic was in the gym this morning, so we had a chat while we were on the rower. I walked into the fields hoping I would see a butterfly, but that didn't happen. It was strange walking past the church and not being able to go in for a cuppa. I crossed the road to the antique shop, and while I was taking this photo of the typewriter, the owner came out and said, I bet you are going to tell me you used to use one of those. I replied, actually no, although I thought he was going to ask me why I was taking a photo of it.  I then went to Boots to buy some Migraleve which is now back in stock, thank goodness. I came home on the bus and it was nice to open the door and find the house was quite cool. J arrived home about an hour later looking all hot & bothered in his motorbike gear.Haven't done much this afternoon, just stayed cool.

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