Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A big shout out for the NHS today...

... after the excellent treatment Roy got on Wednesday when our day didn't quite work out as planned...
From the receptionist at our local health centre who arranged an immediate appointment, via the GP who sent us directly to A&E at Barnsley General Hospital, to the staff in A&E who took bloods, did an ECG and a CT scan...thank you!
To the doctor who checked the scan, explained everything to us and had Roy blue-lighted to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield... thank you!
To the wonderful ambulance crew who whisked him off at great speed, blues and twos blaring... thank you!
To the neuro-surgery department who drained the blood clot that had probably been growing for a month or so after Roy fell out of bed and banged his head on the shelves - thank you!
And to the nurse who was just bringing him a cuppa and a sandwich as he phoned me after the op to say all was well - thank you!
The NHS at its best - thank you!
Have I repeated myself enough :)

I didn't want to post until I'd seen him for myself, but he's fine, sensation returned to limbs, on his mobile sending and receiving good wishes from friends and family.
And a final thank you to Helen & Mike, who have fed and watered me today, and taxied me to the hospital as the parking there is atrocious :)
My blip is the Sheffield Hallam NHS logo superimposed on the sunset as I drove home, and then kaleidoscoped :)
Normal blip service will be resumed soon...

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