Like the circles that you find
when searching for a last minute blip. Doing this on my phone, So I'll keep it short & sweet like me, & Ella the wonderdog. She can be sweet, she can also be a bit feisty. We don't walk so far these days, we'll she is nearly 17 years of age, deaf, & sight not great, but she still has a very healthy appetite. She enjoyed the new potato from my allotment with her cooked chicken this evening. Now fast asleep in her bed.
Pat & Nicky set off about 9.45am, can't remember where they said they were heading for today, they will eventually meet up with members of P's family in Dublin who are visiting from America.
I met up with my best mate from school this morning for a catch up. I had vouchers for a cuppa & cake at a local garden centre so we arranged to meet there. I did'nt read the not so small small print. 9am - 11am & 3pm - 5pm. It was 11.55am. Plan b. I chose a biscuit, a rather expensive one at £2. Think I might give up dogsitti g & take up baking cookies. Gosh it was warm sat in the garden there. Some fab plants, but I managed to control my urge, but did make a couple of purchases.
Next stop Rowcroft Hospice. Tee shirts, collection bucket & tin handed over. Deposited all the stuff from the boot of my car in their entrance foyer.
Nipped to Ludl's to buy some deli items. They offer some really interesting items which I always buy if I'm passing.
Hubby came down this afternoon.
We had lamb chops, with homegrown broad beans, runner beans, peas, courgettes, & spuds. So delicious and so rewarding.
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