
We finally got a seat at our Chinese restaurant, but it was touch and go.   We actually tried to book a table, however, when we arrived nobody knew anything.  The girl who had taken our booking was not there.  We got talking to the owner.  He, in a very diplomatic way, intimated that the young lady involved would soon be leaving after only having been there for a month.  We did have to wait for about ten minutes to get a table, just as we were about to wander off one became free.  We also complimented the boss on his carving skills.  Following a beautiful meal of pork knuckle in black bean sauce with pickled vegetables and rice, we just about had enough room to share a mango panna cotta with pieces of mango, sticky rice, coconut cream with dots of strawberry yogurt and mint oil.  

When we arrived home we were met by a hungry cat.  As I had forgotten to put any food in my bag hubby went to our apartment to get some food for her.   We put her food on a large leaf, as soon as I found a leaf she got very excited and I got a lot of leg rubs.  We eventually left one satisfied cat having a wash.

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