
By LifeLines

Silly Sits #2

I nearly chose a picture of Merlin rolling around on his back with a big grin on his face but it did look rather undignified - even for our boy!  So, instead you have a picture of him doing one of his funny sits.  When told to go sit in his bed, this is his attempt at a compromise - he sits on the wall of his bed and squashes it down so he is half in and half out!  What a funny thing he is!

Despite how he looks in this photo he has been full of beans today running around the garden with his ball and charging into the house to ask us to come out and play with him.  Life would certainly feel dull without him.

I've worked from home today and certainly appreciated the cooler temperatures which made my brain function a little more effectively and my body feel less like it is a heavy weight!  This evening we even have the gentle patter of rain outside.  Looks like it could be wet at the weekend so perhaps I will turn my attention to projects other than the allotment.

I hope you are having a good evening and look forward to catching up with your blips. 

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