Hello blue sky!

It's been a long, long while since I last saw the sun. It's an optimistic sign that the rain ceased for New Year's Day and I could venture outside without needing windscreen wipers on my glasses. Fred zoomed off on his bicycle to the North Downs and I headed west to Wimbledon to have lunch with a friend. We tried an amble on the Common, but it was so waterlogged that it just wasn't fun. Instead, we cut short our constitutional and enjoyed another cup of tea.

I've just finished watching The Two Towers. It's been ten years or so since I last watched it. I love those Ents. Thinking back to "The Hobbit", which I saw a few days ago, there were three lines that jarred with me in the script, each of which mentioned something that seemed out of kilter with Middle-earth, namely golf, croquet and chips. The mention of chips especially seemed out of place. I'm sad to say that there's also one scene in "The Two Towers" in which both Gollum and Sam talk about chips.

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