Today I had the most powerful experience and this picture and my words will not begin to explain how amazing it was.
After the usual NOT exciting breakfast and lovely lessons by the sea I decided to try and teach this girl and her sister the beautiful song Thousand Years. They are both deaf and speak Ukrainian however with the help of the internet and finding the YouTube version from #wouldnt change a single thing. if you haven’t watch it you really should it’s so moving.
Anyway I taught the 2 deaf girls who rarely shone on camp and 2 of their friends. We performed and taught it to 50 other Ukrainian students. They were amazing and the camp leaders were so impressed.
The words say.....I have loved you for 1000 years and I will love you for 1000 more. The students said like we will love you Miss K for a 1000 more!!! I found it hard to hold back my tears and completely lost it when every child was asked by the main camp leader to say something about me as a person and a teacher. It’s strange how it is so hard to listen to compliments but 50 said with such conviction was mind blowing. I really embarrassed myself as I couldn’t hold back the tears. The camp leader said a teacher who shows such emotion reveals her true skill, dedication and love of children....now I am a blubbering wreck as I realised I had been emotional beaten down by the management at that school that I’d started to believe I couldn’t teacher and what I did was not enough but let the ?!?&@!? Woman tell me now as in 2 hours I taught 2 deaf Ukrainian students to sign and sing in English and then perform to 50 other students.
I hope I’ve described the situation so you can see how powerful appreciation and love of children is.
Thank you to 2 beautiful girls (inside and out)and their fellow students for making me believe.
Why not give someone a compliment today?

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