She left me on Friday...

By DiscoDown

New Year

I've heard, and read, a lot about last year being bad for many people and what they hope for out of this year.

Last year had its ups and downs for me. But is that any different from any other year? And what makes a year good or bad?

I wrote a big, long note on the bad points from last year, and whether they were really bad or not, which I intended to be my Blip entry for today. In the end, I decided to keep them to myself (note to me in case I read this in years to come - you emailed the notes to yourself).

Instead, I'll just say that I aim to enjoy each day from now on and make the most out of each one, whether with family, friends, or at work. Perhaps, like pennies and pounds, if we take care of the days the years will take care of themselves.

Happy New Year!

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