Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Is it my imagination or are the Doozers in Edinburgh multiplying like an infectious disease?! Yellow-coat-itis? Everywhere I look there are more - Edinburgh is one big construction site!
(for anyone who is unsure of what a Doozer is look here)

Today Maggie and I hung out at the Museum (oh, the exciting lives we lead! lol) its ages since I've been though so it was cool. We'd gone for the Jean Muir exhibition but it was actually quite disappointing, however we never knew before that you could get up to the roof terrace of the museum and it was amazing! Must remember to go back in the summer, or at least when the weather is a wee bit better :o) Wandered around the 20th C scottish floor which is really funny, I had to get to pottery though so I'll need to go back and have a proper look round.
Maggie is off to stay with her sis for a few days, but shes back for one more night on friday, its been so good having her here again :o)

I've been busy this weekend so forgive me for no comments recently, I've backblipped here and here :o)

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