
By chrispybox

Belfast Murals

Today we spent many hours walking through the Loyalist and Republican areas of Belfast.

It poured with rain for most of the day and my camera became fogged up with moisture after awhile so some of the images had misty spots.

It was a revelation to walk along the Falls Road and Shankhill Road and the surrounding areas. It was very difficult to select a few images but the ones selected I found striking for different reasons.

My first choice was so dark and striking.

The first extra was very different from most of the murals we saw.

The second extra shows the wall between the Protestant and Catholic areas looking from the Protestant side. I was amazed it was so high. Really makes you think about the context in which this was built. Let’s hope the Good Friday agreement continues to prevail and that Brexit does not reignite the violence. Hopefully the wall will come down on day.

The third extra came from close to the Falls Road and the final one was close to the Shankhill Road.

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