Last day of summer holiday 2019

Visiting Sappee summer teathre today in countryside, outdoor musical told the life story of Finnish singer Olavi Virta.
A strong recommendation. In any scale.
My mother-in-law was there with me, hubby and our daughter and she enjoyed a lot too.

Later I stayed at grandparents' with grandpa and my daughter, whereas my husband was eager to leave to some local music happening and took her mother with him. A big day for her mother, as she seldom visits anywhere anymore, as grandpa is in poor condition, feeling dizzy.

Me and daughter shortly visited to willage lake beach with white thin sand and low water. There was plenty of people there, so I was really happy that we decided to walk - even though it meant that we were sweaty again as we had got back to grandparents'.

+30c, sunny and beautiful day.

Should go working tomorrow. I have enjoyed my 4 weeks summer vacation a lot. Somehow I am tired when waiting the next winter, then again there is summer still going on, and I will still have a short holiday left ...


Ps. In the extra me walking in the lake with my hat on...

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