Afternoon Tea at Bonhoga

Another wonderful day of sunshine.  Lovely and warm again, 25+ degrees and still 18 at 10pm!  A welcomed breeze, but flat calm tonight.

Up early and loads to do, but ended up doing nothing all morning, apart from lounging around the garden.  Mam and friends popped by in the afternoon, and we headed out for a cuppa and a carboot sale.  Been up the peat hill for a walk with mam and friend Julie, and dogs, then popped by sister Laura for a cuppa, and then on to Robert and Shannon's for a cuppa.  Been sitting out all evening at both houses, too good not too.  Feet up for the night now.  Sammy isn't enjoying the heat, so I had to give him a haircut earlier.

The whole of Shetland is taking advantage of the weather, including all of us.  Grabbed an outside table, ordered afternoon tea and scones, and enjoyed a good fun in the sun.  A waitress offered to snap a photo for me, and as I went to sit back down, I spret a hole in my crotch, much to the hilarity of this bunch!  This may not be forgotten about for a while!  L-R - Julie, mam Pat, niece Elise, me, Shannon and Robert.  Taken outside at Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale.  

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