Sort of birthday
It's his birthday tomorrow, so we had a bit of a birthday day today for him - no-one wants a birthday on a Monday!
After a super late night (and very busy day), the day took a bit of starting... The last of the house woke up at 9am, which I think is a record! It did give me time to make a cake and get a few things done. The boys had a very, very lazy morning (and absolutely loved it), including snuggling up together in our bed watching the lap top whilst I did chores. Very happy boys with that.
Eventually at 3pm, the boys got out of their pyjama's (!!), and I took them out for a walk in the rain. The husband said I was Victorian, but we had a brilliant time jumping in puddles and walking in the local wood. Home for a change out of our soaking wet clothes and down to the swimming pool before home for dinner and cake.
All in all, a pretty good day (especially as both the husband and I each got a good run in).
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