
By Photoliff


Out for a walk with the dog tonight. We spotted this deer in the field with just its head poking up. I crouched down and waited, then after about 10 minutes it emerged from the field on to the path. The dog and I walked quietly together to get close to it. I was worried that he would try and chase it as Greyhounds have been known to bring down deer locally. 

However, he just stood next to me all the time, his body bristling and shaking in readiness to chase it. But, he didn't, he just walked quietly next to me as I tried to get as close as I could before the deer disappeared again.

I took the photo about 15 minutes after sunset, so I was trying to balance the shutter speed and ISO with an F4 lens. The image didn't look great on the EVF, but it was very good on the computer when I got home. I have to say that I think the Lumix S1 high ISO performance is just amazing!

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