
By Paladian

I'm in trouble.....

with the Rower at the moment. I caught the sun just a little on my neck yesterday, and didn't notice. So, when I went out into the garden this afternoon without a hat, I got burnt some more, and now my neck is bright red, and I'm in trouble.

It's worth it though. I have been trying to get this bee for ages. It feeds off the daisies, which are white, and the bee, to the naked eye, is black, so I've had all sorts of trouble.

The original bee in this image is tiny, so tiny you can hardly see it, and it looks solid black. So I've cropped it in really close and blown it up so that you can in fact see that is (quite likely) another variety (almost certainly) of the blue banded bee (in all probability). I do know that there are 25 species of blue banded bee - ranging in size from bumble bee size down to very tiny - this is one of the very tiny species.

Bigger bands, but the quality isn't crash hot.

Have a look at our second blip for the day in Rower's Journal - and you'll see why he couldn't resist posting it.

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