Job done!
OMG! What a day - 6 hours out in the field and the weather was so kind! Not only did it not rain but it was clear, warm and no wind - almost unheard of on Mount Brandon. It was a mighty hike - done as part of Reek/Pilgrimage/Garland/Bilberry./Crom Dubh Sunday and the start of the Celtic festival of Lunasa. 20,000 people went up Croagh Patrick for similar reasons and we had 47 in our stalwart band, though the traffic was impressive going up and down. It started off fierce and steep from the Grotto (BVM) and the views were instantly amazing; eased off and then finished with an almost sheer rockface up to the summit. I could see no path! Scrambling was involved as were strong men with firm grips to hoick you up at certain parts! The views from the top were gobsmacking - you could just about see everything. Here St Brendan fought off the pagan Crom Dubh, the dark crooked one, a harvest god. Actually he outdid him with a large bull and some Ave Marias! St B was up here for 40 days and nights contemplating angelic instructions to go and seek paradise. I can sort of understand that. There are the remains of an oratory, a few huts and the holy well - rather underwhelming in the flesh and probably the most challenging I've been to yet. Going down was even tougher and the last hour my knees and feet were in serious revolt. Still I did it and can still walk today (Monday). Well done me!
Extras a general storyboard, half way up and the Pater Noster Lakes, and the cliff face and final ascent - you might need to biggify to see the humans!
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