A day of monkeying about

Up and about early early
Doctors appointment for munchie at 9:00. We await the next set of test results.

From here we went to the park.
Good fun as it was quiet

Library next
Wom completed the first stage of his challenge. Munchie joined the challenge. I grovelled about the missing book. I’m still sure it’s not in the house.

Sainsbury’s next for supplies and then another park to ourselves - detecting a theme here?

Home for a play / lunch

Headed out at 2pm to go and see Suz and her tinkers. Lovely to catch up and see them. Walked to another park - which we had to ourselves - was so lovely in the sun

Picked Ethel up from suz house and went to auntie Katie’s for tea. Finally, munchie ate and ate well.

More playing then baths
Don’t know about the tinkers but I’m shattered

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