MonoMonday: Overlay

Well I've been saying that I'm going to extract maximum blip mileage out of the replacement of our roof which is going on at present, so I decided to continue the theme for today's MonoMonday.

Bit by bit the workmen are removing the old slates (and saving as many as possible for reuse), stripping away the old lats, and applying breathable felt to the rafters (which thankfully are in excellent condition) with new lats on top of the felt. Then the slates will be replaced on the new lats.

(You can see the felt at the join in the roof - this will eventually be covered with flashing of course.)

So the felt overlies the rafters, the lats overlie the felt - and eventually the slates will overlie the lats again. A triple whammy of overlays (or a quadruple whammy if you include the flashing which will also overlie felt!).

Many thanks to Carolina who has given us a range of interesting MonoMonday challenges this month.

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