Harry's journal

By Lunis

Woodland photography

I am still not fully recovered from the mild summer flu that most of my family caught during weekend. Worked a few ours in the morning, preparing a academic presentation that I will hold at a research conference in few weeks. Made also some preparation for a video or vlog that I will include in my teaching upcoming semester. 

Been mostly inside, accompanied with three young boys who have still few weeks until school start. Made an effort to get my self outside at sunset. Strolled around in a near by park with my fuji and 35mmf2. Snapped som photos and this one I chose to share with you. Have shot this mighty tree and its roots before, but this time from a low angel. 

Tomorrow I will go to the office, even though I had not intended to work from a distance as long as possible. Well one day wont do me no harm. 

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