Checking in

There are times when life events take over. I’m now a few days behind with blips. Despite the challenges the photography does not stop but finding the time to write up and post becomes more challenging. So a few “back blips”.

Today started with a visit to the “aunt’s” cat. She was waiting patiently.

I then headed. In to the office for a day long meeting checking in on the digital programme we and SCRA are developing. We are entering the transition phase from developing a series of modules and making sure they link together properly into further testing with users then planning for going live in 2020.

Many assumptions about how we plan for that and how we work together in the future have to be bottomed out. A 5 hour meeting became a 7 hour one (with a 30 minute lunch break) as we unpacked the discussion and understood the implications.

Many issues clarified and a few more to investigate including how the roll out will develop in practice. The focus of our work have been on developing the programme to make sure if integrates and operates as our users wish. We now need to be sure that the roll out can be managed effectively and we are clear about what can be done when.

Before hospital radio it was back to check in on the cat: who was once again waiting patiently.

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