Fake news

Two trips to North.Berwick to today. The first with our daughter to let her see some of the things my mother had and for her to decide whether she wanted any of them. Yet again a foul rainy day. The impact on the fields has been massive with swathers of crop flattened.

This poster of my late father was unearthed. After he retired from banking he went to support the Business Insider in its early years, providing financial advice. As they became more confident and as his health failed he decided t stand down. This was the mock up of a front page (with an inside story).

All of course an early (1990 or so) example of fake news.

Further sifting undertaken we packed up the car and returned home to Edinburgh. Much tidying up undertaken then back down the road to help set up the tables in the church hall for the catering after the service for my mother on Monday.

As I headed back up the road to the airport to collect cousins flying in from Ireland the mists began to lift and the extra shows the selective sunlight on the landscape.

Home at 8 for a meal and some long chats before gearing up for the next day.

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