An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Crested Bronzewing

I feel like I didn't blip yesterday, because it was all done before 1am!

I had a nice little crab/flower spider ready to go, but thought that seeing as I had an image that wasn't a bug, I really ought to use that instead. This pigeon was resting in the shade of a tree and allowed me to slowly inch forwards (taking a photo each time I got a little bit closer) until I was about a foot away from it. (I felt like David Attenborough stalking some wild beast with my camera!) It looked at me curiously and allowed me to take a few more shots before walking contemptuously off to a shadier spot.

Some nasty hot weather is on the way in the next few days. I just wish it would rain - January and February are my least favourite months of the year (and it frequently doesn't rain at all during these months).

Bigger feathers

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