Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

No time for photos

This morning I took the 4 hour train journey down to Sheffield to visit my sister, brother-in-law and nephew before I start my new job (yes, you don't know about that yet as I haven't backblipped last month). We were so busy and having so much fun that my camera didn't get lifted out. Needless to say it was an emergency blip of something in the Guest Room before falling asleep. I'm running out of things to blip in that room so I chose the lightshade, I don't think I've used it before.

Daniel has really come on since I last saw him, he can stand holding the sofa, makes little noises to himself and delights in throwing things on the floor to be picked up. He's been a little grizzly today though. We went for a pub lunch but he wasn't happy in the high chair, he wasn't even happy with cuddles from Auntie Kat, only mummy was good enough.

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