Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Things got a little busy after breakfast...

...first coffee, then shopping, then lunch...
I then did supervised grass cutting, and finished JUST before the storm broke with thunder, lightning and a heavy downpour... phew...  Brian next door did the front lawn while Roy was in hospital, bless him, and though I couldn't quite hear the grass grow I wanted to get the back one done while it was dry, as I know the weather is going to be iffy for the rest of the week. Thanks for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month osuzanna ;)

Roy is now having his quiet hour snoozing ;)

I’ve enjoyed my stint as Marlieske’s sub for Derelict Sunday, but for now here’s my last hearts and honourable mentions! Thanks for all the derelict hunting and tagging folks – Marlieske has now picked up the reins again for DS152 ;) 

Hearts for DS151 are as follows ( and I'll deliver them ASAP ):
ExtraTime's rusting pump
Perfectpotus' post and snail
rmeinz's raleigh bike
Miranda's toothpaste tube
Marlieske's rusty eye
And Honourable Mentions go to:
Barm_none's little church
Arteegeedee's rusty webby lock
nangee's derelict building
DonnaWanna's wrinkly fungi
Kipsie's old farm machinery

There could have been more, obviously, but I only get 5 hearts a day... Now go out and find your DS152 entry for this week ;) 

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