The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Dropped T

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have started going to a cycling class on a Saturday morning which I absolutely love. The teacher has good banter and I love the tunes he picks. Very suited to someone my age, ie nothing after 2000.

Today, he was giving us a bit of encouragement- “In this class, there is no ‘cant’. Just change one letter to make it meaningful”

Turned out, he meant ‘Can’. I’m glad I didn’t shout out my suggestion.

The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to see Toy Story 4 at the Dominion in the afternoon and we both loved it. There are some proper Pugh our loud moments. Who am I going to watch kids films with when The Mini Princesses leave home? I don’t think I’ll have grown out of Woody and Buzz by then.

We had a holiday reunion night - The Explorer & co, Songbird, Eliza and Addie all came round for dinner. Thank you for your menu advice LTJ. The chicken enchiladas went down a treat and I LOVE the lemon semifreddo. The Mini Princesses were complete stars and helped with the cooking. Dinner parties are so much easier when you don’t overthink the menu and spend the WHOLE day in the kitchen wondering why TF you decided to invite anyone over in the first place and how early it’s acceptable to open the wine. I didn’t even freak when I accidentally splatted the banoffee pie on the floor when taking it out of the tin and it had to to be binned. It was beyond the 5 second rule.

It was one of those nights where everything clicked into place. Songbird asked after you LTJ and we had a slightly tipsy singalong while she played her penny whistle!

Songbird and the kids faded about 1.30 am so everyone headed off. It was definitely thing for our heads because the ‘responsible’ adults were happily settled round the kitchen table.


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