
Today Auri and I helped move boxes from one house to the other. We are making progress on my Mother-in-laws house. 
This evening Auri and I went to Brent and Lacey's rental and the tenants had trashed the place. Every room was awful. Doors kicked in and when they moved the frig  out a bunch of cock roaches went scurrying. It was the grossest sight ever. The appliances were disgusting as well as the junk in the front, back and side yard.
What is sad is Brent and Lacey remodeled everything in the house and it was so beautiful. They rented it to a family that had lived there for 2 years. It is so hard to believe people could trash someone else house plus live in such filth.
 No surprise they will not get their damage deposit back but I think it will cost them 3 times the amount to fix. So sad for my son because he works so hard.
The picture is of Auri and the feather we took from Fredricks place.
To end the evening Emilie and 3 of her friends came over to watch the season finale of the Bachelorette.

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