Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


A lovely, relaxing New Year morning followed by a delicious lunch. Nana and Dadcu went home and then we headed out for a walk, Amelie took her new pram and so we had to go downstairs in the lift which is where I took this photo. I nearly blipped the shot from today that nearly made me wet myself laughing - but it wasn't great quality and I'm pretty sure you had to be there for it to be as funny as I found it! In fact, I think I was rather hysterical and that was why it was so funny. On our way home Amelie was dragging her pram behind her and Chris kept asking her to stop as she wasn't looking what she was doing with it - sure enough, through the doorframe and the pram totally collapsed. It was Amelie's face trying to get it back up, and Chris' 'told you this was going to happen' face that just sent me over the edge! t didn't help that she had been making us laugh the entire walk, doing strange walking and her inability to push it in a straight line.

We made it back in one piece and settled down for an evening of films, cheese, biscuits, tea and christmas cake. Amelie fell asleep watching Up so it was off to bed for her and we watched The Hunger Games. Found it quite true to the book in how I had imagined it but obviously there were a few bits missed out and a few things I had to explain to Chris who hadn't read the book.

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