Snails Don't Like Rough Surfaces

So they say.
Then why was this one the closest to ground level on the side of my house? …..… at over 6'. There were 5 of them.

After me decrying the lack of butterflies this year I passed a neighbour's Buddleia bush this morning and it was positively dripping with them.
Of course, I hadn't taken a camera because the weather looked pretty threatening and after listening to the rain last night sounding like a tap being turned on ….. and then off again a couple of minutes later almost constantly I was expecting to get a soaking.
I didn't.

SWMBO was having her nails done late morning so we all went with her and the monsters and I went to a playpark.
When The Cygnet got out of the car he was really confused because he didn't think mushrooms grew as flowers. When he pointed out what he was on about I had to agree, that it did look like a flower.

Before we got to the park we passed the town's War Memorial so we went in and looked at the three Tommy benches (the other 2 are also posted) and the list of locals killed in The Boer War, both World Wars (about 3 times the number in the 1st than in the 2nd) and later conflicts. I don't think they could really understand that at the time of WW1 the town was a small village and it was a very large percentage of the male population that were killed.

At the park Squirrel of course loved showing off and being very lady-like but wasn't very keen on the HUGE, dangerous bug that The Cygnet took off her. She is such a wimp for somebody as adventurous as she is (like trying to get right on the top of the 15' climbing frame (just to get higher than her brother).

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