Daily Tales

By PamelaJ

Home made and home grown

Friends came to visit this afternoon. They brought the most welcome gift- potatoes, runner beans, marrow and onions grown by Rob; a big quiche with home grown courgettes and cupcakes made by Yvonne.

We had a lovely relaxing afternoon  catching up on all their news,  although we had last seen them when they visited me in hospital last Friday just prior to my discharge.

. The one thing that being ill has shown me is how lucky we are  to have wonderful friends who I shall never take for granted. And I  am very grateful for their support and friendship .

My extra is the M25 as we got on from J3. This is usually full of traffic but this morning at 9.30am there was hardly a car in sight. This was such a unique experience i had to blip it from my passenger seat.

A visit to the hospital was positive and the doctor seemed pleased with my current progress  , although delaying chemo until my wound is fully healed. Perhaps in a couple of weeks.

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