Amateur Hour . . .

By delaneward

Sick Day =(

I got to come home early to get to watch Hannah while Kelly (my wife) went to an appointment.

I was looking forward to spending the afternoon hanging out with Hannah, I had plans of going to the mall and riding escalators and playing in the mall play area. As mom was walking out the door Hannah started crying and not like her normal wake up from a nap cry. I ran upstairs to find her sitting in her crib coated in zucchini muffin puke! I quickly took her to the bathroom and stripped her down and rinsed her off. I then took everything off the crib and into the wash.

Hannah didn't feel good the rest of the day until bed, it has been one hour and counting since the last puking, (much better than every 20 min). I was home alone and wanted to capture how she felt so I managed to get this photo of us snuggling, and her fighting sleep.

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