Great Place For Lunch

Up early again and on the road for 5:00am, I arrived at my sister Jacqui’s for 10:15 and onto the train to Waterloo.
I decided to walk from Waterloo to HMS Belfast unfortunately arriving seven minutes late with the first speech already started.
Forty-nine years ago tomorrow the rum issue in the Royal Navy ended and today’s event has been advertised as a “Dry Run” in preparation for next years 50th Anniversary.
Mix around a hundred ex matelots with a three course lunch with complimentary Pussers Rum in commemorative tin mugs and complimentary wine and it was always going to get boisterous. At around three we all adjourned to a nearby pub for beer as opposed to rum and wine.
I eventually arrived back in West Byfleet to be picked up by my son and delivered to my sisters.
Definitely tireder and with the world in ‘soft focus’.

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