Life in all its richness and variety
I took my car to Newcastle today for its first service. I can't believe I have had it for a year. The car passed with flying colours.
During the service I took myself for a wander in the area around about. It is quite near to the central station. There are various businesses under the railway arches. One is Hatchet Harry's, Newcastle's first indoor axe throwing range. Apparently it's a great place to go as a group, especially for stag nights or birthday parties. Well I never did!
The shops in the area are quite a mixture. In one short stretch there are two shops for "adult entertainment" with warnings that the contents may be considered shocking. Next door to one is a babywear shop. Somewhat incongruous I thought.
There are older, dilapidated buildings and new, multistorey ones.
A noisy group of young men proceeded along one of the streets. An early group for axe throwing I wondered?
The Newcastle blippers will be keen to tell you that my photograph is a fraud. you can't see the word Life when you stand in Time Square and look at the DNA helix by Charles Jencks (2000). You can see efiL so I flipped the photo.
This is taken in the Life Science village which is a mixture of museum, educational facilities and research and business facilities. I went to have lunch in the café. (Not to be recommended.)
Home again and Liz came to visit. Then a quiet evening in.
I did have a major panic last night because a fellow committee member noticed that there was an error in the printed programme proof. This morning I was on to the printer early and he is going to change the plate for that section of the programme. Since it was the start point of a walk - and was miles away - it was worth it. Phew!
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