View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

First run out for Secret Santa gift

Went for an interview today for a new role (not moving company, just for a job as a sub-contractor with another firm!). I think it went well, but wont know until tomorrow morning, so fingers crossed!!

First day back at work has been tough. Debs is on her way back from Ipswich with H and C now so when they get home, we will be complete as a family again for the first time since 30 Dec - cant wait!!!

A busy couple of days ahead as I close the current project down ahead of the next challenge!!!

It has been really cold here all day - I have struggled to warm up all day, even with the heating on in the car and loads of layers on - it seems to be penetrating cold - yuk!! Didn't help that the heating was broken in the office block where my interview took place!!

Today, my Blip Secret Santa gift got its first run out - thank you to the lovely person who bought it for me - an inspired and very welcome gift - thank you :-) I will have to make sure that in the dark I try and fill up the right lens with a hot brew and not the 'real' one!!!

:-) to all out in Blipland....

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