Munch munch munch...

Janet is getting to grips with the garden, which has survived well but gone slightly mad in the three weeks we were away. 

It is nice to get back to the more normal insects, albeit we enjoyed the remarkable critters of the south of France; carpenter bees, giant grasshoppers, cicadas etc...

This is a Cinnabar Moth caterpillar, wolfing down something that once had a flower on top, and now doesn't even have a top! Ah well. Plenty more in the flower beds...

The Flickr uploads are going thick and fast, but I suspect I'm not going to manage all them or all the back blips before I head off again on Tuesday for Druid Camp

And probably still having no smartphone (sigh) it'll be more back blips when I get back. The backblipping however continues #incredibacks19

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