Morning coffee

Late start and then walked to the local pub for breakfast. Surprise to be accommodated for breakfast at 11:40 but a veggie fry up, coffee and juice was enjoyed. It was very hot and humid despite the lack of sun. I’ve spent most of the day feeling very warm -not necessarily in a fab way.

Walked to town, around town and back which is just under 8 miles. My find of the day was a pretty Caithness perfume bottle which I bought. It’s got an old fashioned ground glass stopper so is very tactile to play with.

Got home and the big post holiday wash is on (not too bad as I hand washed lots of my stuff in France) but the post holiday clothes sort may take a while- lots of folding and sorting needed thanks to very bad packing which was rushed and led to be taking twice the clothes required!

Blip is my morning coffee with the pub’s acer tree reflecting in the surface- a hint of sun to boot

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