Early Lamb's garden

I was awakened by a noisy scrabbling and scratting - evidently the live mouse trap had done its work. Couldn't get back to sleep, so reluctantly got up and checked the weight to make sure there was an occupant (having been unable to tell any difference when picking it up) and it was a whole 9 g heavier (adult house mice are normally about 15 g). A youngster, I guess.  Took the little blighter across the Water of Leith where I released it.

Much later went to the market and then up the Kirkgate, where I bumped into MisterFT and herself, with visiting blipper Arachne. imindoors was giving them a guided tour of the sights of Leith but seemed to have wandered off. Forgot completely to take a photo of them - doh! As it turned out, there were quite a few photos in the camera but they all turned out to be of newly dead gulls, overflowing litter bins, etc, for tweeting to the cooncil. The only photo that wasn't actually revolting was this one of a dingy Lamb's House garden, taken about 06:15. The sun was technically up, but behind a thick layer of mirk.

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