STOP anti-mosquitos ................
live here. STOP anti-mosquito you're not welcome here. STOP anti-mosquito crossing. STOP anti-mosquito patrolled property. STOP anti-mosquito plants ................. The permutations are endless. The mosquito looks pretty silly to me, perhaps it knows something we don't. I've been away from the gardening industry for quite a few years so what do I know. I don't actually recall there ever being mosquitos around, not silly looking ones anyway.
Ella had a little accident during the night before last, I obviously slept through the pitter patter of her little paws so discovered a little puddle when I got up, so last night I slept with the summer room door open, just enough for her to go out into the garden during the night. I'm still here :)
Not such a sunny start to the day. Ella & I headed off down the lane to Cockington, then through the water meadows, coming out on Torquay seafront. She was still going at quite a pace so we continued along the seafront, up past the railway station and back up Walnut Road. Hills slow us both up which is fine. The white Porche SUV driven by the chap where I got the old floorboards passed us on the way, a little further around the corner he had pulled in on the roadside. As we came up along side on the opposite side of the road, he stuck his head out of the window to tell me the veg were delicious. That put a smile on my face :) It costs nothing to say thank you, as I did yesterday dropping off the bag of allotment goodies to him & his wife.
Time to prepare the cuttings from the prunings I made yesterday. Osteospermum, Weigela, 2 varieties of Hebe, plus a couple of Rosa glauca, a favourite of mine. Found a cute little weevil in amongst the cutting material. They have such cute feet. The sun came out which made it a very enjoyable couple of hours :)
Hubby came down so we went down to the beer garden of the local hotel for a liquid refresher. Told him he needs to stop smoking, period. Also told him before the winter otherwise his cough could result in something worse .. Must write that fact in my diary, as I don't think he will take any notice of me.
Just remembered the fact that we did'nt have any problems with mosquitos when we were in Turkey earlier in the year. Apparently they use drones for mosquito control.
Back to sesame & maple syrup chicken, salad and new potatoes from the allotment.
Ella's mum is back home tomorrow.
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