I was up reasonably early and continued with the huge mountains of things to do.
I need to break things up in small tasks to make it more manageable and less scary to start :)
I started working on tidying the studio, as on the 12th it needs to be emptied so that the builders can in and repair the ceiling and give it an all round refurbish. I also want some rails for the lights on the ceiling and Neil has already done some research.
I look forward to having the studio nice and clean and in full working order.
In the afternoon I restarted my I-Mac as my phone was not synching and it decided not to boot anymore!!!
I was very upset, as the darn thing was already 3 times in the shop this year! I tried a few tricks, but it did not work and I had to leave as I was meeting Doris at 4 pm.
Doris and I met at William for coffee and catch up. She is just a great person. I always enjoy spending time with her.
She is away again tomorrow. As a tour guide time at home is a rarity, but she never misses to try to meet, even if it is only for a short while.
When she had to go back to her chores, I walked home, not looking forward to continuing to fight with my MAC and the Apple Support for the next hours.
Luckily in joint forces with support, the I-Mac decided to work again after reinstalling the system!! Phew!
Neil and I had planned to go out tonight and meet some friends in town at a club event.
Neil had something to eat why I got ready to look a bit "Film Noir" like, as this was the voluntary evening theme.
We had a good evening catching up with Gretsch, Ian and Jane, Doug and Sandra and a few others.
Back home before 2 am ... early in comparison with Berlin ways, where you go out at 1 am :)
Blipping Doris against the sun.
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