An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Old Carswell Air Force Base

Back at the height of the cold war, this photograph could have gotten me some time in federal prison.  Carswell Air Force Base's runways were lined with B-52 bombers and KC-135 tankers to refuel the bombers in air.  Soviet citizens were not even allowed to stand where I was when I took this.  By the late 20th Century, the military was cutting back on the number of installations they maintained.  Today it is controlled by the navy and called a joint reserve base.  

On my home from my friend's house, I decided to stop in the commissary to buy some groceries.  I seldom go onto military bases any more.  The gate guard gave me a sharp snap to attention when he saw my ID card.  "Good afternoon, Senior Master Sergeant," he said.  Of course, he was a navy man.  The air force probably could care less.  I think I still like the air force way.  I am just some old guy who retired before most of the guards were even born.

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