Aeroplane Crossing

A cooler and duller day, breezy too.  It has been dry all day, and calm tonight.

Up early, and got some of the caravan packed up after breakfast.  It wasn't long before I had to head to work in the Croft House Museum.  There's been a cruise ship in Lerwick, so I've had another really busy day.  Popped by Madeline's after work.  A fairly lazy evening, I have managed a walk with Sammy around Scalloway. 

Lunchtime arrived and a much needed break!  The Sumburgh hotel was full, and ended up getting a bit to eat at the airport.  In the way back to work, I got held up with an aeroplane arriving in.  Mainland UK has railway crossings, we don't have railways here, but we do have aeroplane crossings.  There can't be many places this happens.  Taken on the east side of the Sumburgh Airport runway.  

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