Netters and co

By Netters

The tower

This is Esme , for 14 months she held the title as my youngest grandchild, her brother Jesse came as an unexpected addition and knocked her off the youngest spot . My eldest daughter had her son Charles for 9 years before Esme came along, the product of several years of fertility treatment, we waited, we hoped, we crossed everything, every single month, finally this treasure graced the world with her presence, and what a presence it was ! She crawled at six months, climbed the stairs at seven months she walked at barely 9 months , she is now 19 months old and just wonderful but omg so busy ! She is never still, she loves stacking things up, lining things up, putting little things in bags, she amuses me no end. Today I looked after her and Charlie while her mum took the youngest to a christening, I couldn’t have Jesse as he is breast fed and appalled at the idea of a bottle . I was exhausted after Esme went home and my house was destroyed

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