
Back home today. Nice easy journey via the train, tram and bus - integrated public transport at its best. I didn't have to wait more than 3 minutes between train, tram and bus. Brilliant service.

Even better, the train had WiFi. It's witchcraft I'm telling you.

So. A quick blipette of a narcissus. This may be the start of a series... who knows? I've decided to relax a bit now that my 365 is done and I don't feel like I have to 'prove' anything. (The 'proving' thing is clearly my own particular madness because no one expects anything at all like that from anyone on here. It's just me.) I often take many many photos of the same thing and then struggle to choose the best one, blipping more than one of any subject gives me the freedom to pick all my favourite ones.

Off to see Ma tomorrow. The nursing and CHC funding assessments continue and we should have a decision soon. My bet is that she will be coming home with nursing support twice a day and I'm hoping for five days at the day centre too - although that may take a while to put in place.

However someone has definitely missed me. I have a Cairn Terrier clamped to my side at every turn :)

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