
By Kattyp

Alison in Aviemore

It's been a braw wee couple of weeks, with a quiet Christmas, a lovely Hogmanay and a wee trip up to Aviemore in between. I went up North with a few friends who all intended to go skiing (I am definitely not a skier, though, and opted to curl up near a fire with a warm drink and a book), however as luck would have it my car broke down just as we were leaving to hit the slopes. The worst place to break down is in the Highlands, and the worst time is probably the week between Christmas and New Year. After a breakdown call-out my friend Alison and I had an impromptu trip to Inverness to Kwik-Fit my car back to health. Nearly 300 quid later we were back at the pub, where we met our other friends who had been skiing, and had a merry old time. All in all a lovely weekend, and spent with lovely people who helped me out a lot with all the car stress. Thanks, guys :)

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